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Meet Our Team

Meet our team! You have seen our team grow almost weekly with each Facebook update showing our new arrivals. Today, as we prepare to move to new, larger offices, we are beginning a new initiative to introduce you to the people who work to improve your experience of our services, grow your advertising revenue and help build imonomy into an even more effective in-image advertising company.

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Why Color Is Crucial To Your Marketing Strategy

In the advertisement industry, as well as any other industry that involves marketing, it’s likely that you’ve been cautious and pensive about how to present your content…and rightfully so. Aesthetics play a huge role in grabbing a client/user’s attention, and certain colors and fonts, as well as other aspects of presentation determine whether or not a client is truly interested in what your company has to offer.

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How To Boost Your Site’s Traffic Without Using ClickBait

Why is it that great novels don’t need those titles? Easy. Because they have rich, meaningful content on the inside. This content engages the reader who then talks about it to his friends and inspire more people to read it. The same works for online publications. This is what a famous novel would look like if it had a clickbait title:

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