Branded Video Content and Video Ads: Is it all the same?

You knows that it’s coming.

The video age has arrived and it’s going to take the advertising industry by storm. The report from Cisco Visual Network Index shows that video consumption will take over most internet traffic, reaching more than 69% by 2017. And when a message is retained 95% more through video content than regular ads, then it’s clear that the future is bright for video advertising.

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Why Are Content Calendar Tools Essential for Online Publishers?

If you are an online publisher and you don’t yet have an editorial calendar tool you better read on. Editorial calendars (often called content calendars) are the tools that will keep you from losing track of content, employees work and most importantly your overall output over the entire year.

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Visual Storytelling Should Look Fabulous: Why GIFs Do the Trick

We always want to know the latest and the greatest. Lately, visual storytelling is dominating web platforms, with images and videos being redesigned in all directions. To name a few: The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, The Atlantic, and NASA. What’s inspired this makeover? The media at large, and companies in general, are looking to better connect with their customers — and the more dynamic their interactions, the better. And that’s where GIFs step in.

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Shirley’s Guide to Guest Blogging Like a Pro

If you can prove to your prospective clients that you have the best information that’s useful to their business they are more likely to trust in your company and use your service. It’s been said time and time again, to have any influence in your industry you need to own it. And in the digital world, ‘owning’ equals knowledge.

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