Your website has premium content, a massive readership, and significant revenues. But you know your site could be making even more money. How do you do it?

Your website has premium content, a massive readership, and significant revenues. But you know your site could be making even more money. How do you do it?
Top online news publishers work hard. They must be the first to report stories, or their competitors will get enough impressions to leave them behind. And there are a lot of stories to uncover and share. They must provide an interesting angle, some great interpretation – and that’s not even enough.
If you’re reading this article, you care. You really, really care. You care about your readers and their experience on your site. You want to make it pleasant, to get them to want more, to come back to your site, to stay long enough to let you build a relationship with them.
Publishers are no longer free-standing islands in the content monetization ocean. They are interconnected hubs in a rapidly evolving content industry. Positioned where consumers, content and advertisers intersect, publishers are poised to have a profound impact on the industry’s future as essential facilitators.
You know you need to figure out how to decrease bounce rate when you face one of the most frustrating experiences a publisher has to deal with – investing a lot of work and resources into your content, only to have visitors click the “back” button after they take a quick glance.
Our team had a great first day at Dmexco 2016 and we learned a lot. Here are a few key insights from day-one:
Before I dive into who the top sports publishers of 2016 are, let’s understand the readership and monetization opportunities involved in sports’ publishing. Sports’ fans, more than the average consumer, tend to be highly engaged with brands: