5 Rules For Marketers for Successful Engagement

If Adobe’s latest reports (parts 1 and 2) on its study of the State of Content in six Western countries is anything to go by, marketers have new rules for successful engagement in the coming years. That is mixed news for marketers because it may necessitate a complete shake-up of your content marketing strategies. Don’t worry, these can be good news for you, if you are creative and can see the potential.

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How Augmented And Virtual Reality Will Revolutionize Marketing

Imagine you could immerse consumers in your product and literally let them see themselves wearing an outfit or in a refurnished home? Two exciting technological trends are going to revolutionize advertising and make ads more personal and engaging than they have ever been: augmented reality and virtual reality.

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Holidays: A Publisher’s Guide to Preparing

The holiday season is the best excuse to get together with family and friends, eat a ton, drink a ton, and give thanks for them being a part of your life. Everyone involved in the process of hosting Christmas parties, or Thanksgiving dinners knows that there is a lot of preparation involved in this time of the year. Publishers, we understand that you, too, have a lot of preparations to make for the holidays.

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Black Friday Tips, Insights and Fun

Thanksgiving is about to begin and turkeys across North America are being defrosted, basted and cooked as you read this. For marketers and advertisers, that is just the appetizer before Black Friday kicks on as all that food is digesting the next day. Here is a round-up of some Black Friday fun, tips and recommendations to sweeten the holiday weekend.

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14 Essential Readings for Smart Advertising Professionals

This is a guest post by Vishveshwar Jatain who is a content strategist at AdPushup, an ad tech company that helps online publishers optimize the ad revenue generated from their existing ad setup using advanced automated A/B testing and without having any knowledge of coding. You can find him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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