The Dark Side Of Ad Tracking And What To Do About It

Programmatic advertising offers publishers the opportunity to present more relevant ads to users from a wider variety of advertisers who are paired with publishers through the elements of ad exchanges. The flipside is that publishers’ websites have to track users for their many advertisers and this has an impact on site load times and usability.

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Native Advertising: Tips For Success

Native Advertising is a sub-category within the realm of online advertising, that serves as a matching mechanism to refer to the content’s coherence with other media that might also appear on the platform. Whether you’re an advertiser or publisher, you can definitely benefit from the features that native advertising just by incorporating a few small things in your campaigns.

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Why Are Content Calendar Tools Essential for Online Publishers?

If you are an online publisher and you don’t yet have an editorial calendar tool you better read on. Editorial calendars (often called content calendars) are the tools that will keep you from losing track of content, employees work and most importantly your overall output over the entire year.

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