Your Introduction To Programmatic Advertising Technologies

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Programmatic advertising technologies have revolutionized the online advertising industry. Even as the industry continues to evolve at a remarkable pace, the underlying processes remain relevant and it is helpful to be able to understand how it all works.

We have published a series which we called “Programmatic Advertising in a Nutshell” in three parts which takes you through the differences between direct ad sales models and programmatic ad sales models (in broad terms). Here are all three parts for your convenience:

Programmatic Advertising in a Nutshell – Part One

This first part takes you through the changing display advertising landscape and outlines the limitations of direct ad sales models.

Programmatic Advertising in a Nutshell – Part Two

This second part introduces you to the programmatic advertising sales model with a practical example of the technology in action.

Programmatic Advertising in a Nutshell – Part Three

In this last part of the series, we take you through various applications of this technology, including a few interesting use cases we see in the near future.

Programmatic technologies are, as we pointed out at the beginning of this roundup, continues to evolve at a rapid pace. We will update you as these technologies grow and change, especially as they are refined and become more effective.

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