Waterfalling, Header Bidding and Publishers’ Revenue Streams

Programmatic Advertising has revolutionized online advertising with its speed and potential to present highly relevant ads to consumers just when they are more likely to pay attention. Unfortunately for publishers, the current option, known as “waterfalling”, has proven to be inefficient and can leave a lot of inventory unfilled. That means less revenue and indirectly contributes to the mess publishers and advertisers are in today with too many bad ads splattered across the web in an effort to keep businesses afloat.

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Create Unmissable Ads

How do you ensure consumers see your ads? Create unmissable ads and they may even take them viral. That, at least, is what American insurer Geico did with its smartly designed pre-roll YouTube ads that address two challenges: a tendency to skip pre-roll ads on YouTube and persuading viewers to not only not skip the ads but share them widely and dramatically increase their exposure.

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How Traditional Advertising Can Beat Social Media Ads

As we naturally evolve, technology around us tends to evolve, too. As an advertiser, you probably notice it more than anyone, simply because you’ve probably had to make some changes with how you go about advertising. Advertising options these days are two-fold: independent advertising, which are the ads you have on your websites, outside of social platforms. Social advertising is the second type of advertising, consisting of social media ads that are integrated into social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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The Dark Side Of Ad Tracking And What To Do About It

Programmatic advertising offers publishers the opportunity to present more relevant ads to users from a wider variety of advertisers who are paired with publishers through the elements of ad exchanges. The flipside is that publishers’ websites have to track users for their many advertisers and this has an impact on site load times and usability.

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Mobile Advertising Trends: What Publishers Should Know

Looking for advice on how best to spend your mobile advertising budget? Well, I have good and not-so-good news for you. The not-so-good news is that there is no one answer for all marketers but the good news is that I have some great options for you based on some of the trends we see in mobile advertising.

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