How Images Impact People In Real Life

As most publishers know, images on websites have a direct link to website monetization. Images get more people on your site in the first place, increase user engagement while they’re there, and make it easier to encourage readers to take the actions you want them to take. That’s because images correlate with brain processes. It’s how humanity learned to communicate before the invention of written language, and it’s the very first way we still learn to communicate when we’re first born.

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How Publishers Can Realize The Power Of Images

Our online experience has, overwhelmingly, become a visual experience dominated by the power of images and video. An image, in particular, is a powerful communication medium. Images are highly emotional and engaging. They affect us profoundly. Just consider this recent image that has become an icon of protest action in the United States:

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Supercharge In-Image Ads With Captivating Cinemagraphs

Images on your site are the most eye-catching elements on your website. According to HubSpot, content containing relevant images earn up to 94% more page views than content that doesn’t include images. Just including images in your content can dramatically increase the likelihood that consumers will read your content. None of this should come as a surprise to you and we have something that will improve the likelihood of someone reading your content and sharing it even more: cinemagraphs.

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In-Image Advertising: The New Way To Monetize

It goes without saying that today’s online publishers have a world of choices when it comes to methods for monetizing their websites.

From standard banner ads to affiliate links, sponsored posts and free ebooks with sponsored content, there is definitely no shortage of options for publishers who want to generate a few extra dollars. Despite the endless amount of opportunities available, however, professionals in the biz are always on the hunt for new and effective ways to capitalize.

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