Traditional Monetization And In-Image Advertising

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The Classic Monetization Possibilities And In-Image Advertising

Making money with your blogging is not as hard as it sounds. If you work on your blog or website frequently, putting in many hours can start to take its toll financially if you are working extra hard. Luckily, there are multiple ways to create money from your blog and most of them have been around from quite some time already, proving their worth. In order to make money blogging, you should try your best to have a creative and unique approach in order to keep your readers coming back for more, so this article is going to discuss the benefits to the traditional methods of monetizing your website, as well as new, increasingly popular methods such as in-image advertising. Do not get boring or stale! Try these methods to monetize your blog and be paid to do what you love!

Traditional Monetization Methods

These methods have been around for some time and are tested and true. If you’re new to monetization or you’d like to start with something simple, these options are great for beginners or those with limited programming and website knowledge.


Google AdSense is the classic choice of online publishers, and it was created with a snippet of JavaScript, that when placed into webpages by webmasters, the page would begin displaying relevant advertisements from Google’s inventory of advertisers, based on the keywords that are scanned by the JavaScript within the page.

This is as good of a place as any to start. When you begin considering selling your advertising space, one of the best and most popular ways to offer it up is by using AdSense. When you put it within your website code, it will help you place ads on your website that are relevant to the content and will be something your visitors are already looking for, catching your reader’s interest. This will elicit more clicks from traffic and earn you more money from your website or blog. All you have to do is use the AdSense code snippet and place it within your website code; it will do the rest of the work for you! This is probably the easiest method of website monetization listed here.


Earning money from AdSense is easy because you earn money from every click, therefore, each person who clicks on your ad helps you earn part of the percentage of revenue that was created from the action. You can successfully use AdSense on a commercial or a personal blog or website with decent monetization results.

Contextual Advertising:

This form of online advertising is aimed at websites and other media, like content, which is displayed within a mobile browser. This type of ad system will scan the website you’re browsing for keywords and return advertisements to the website based on those keywords. For example, when you visit a website and then suddenly a pop-up, a banner, and a windowed ad appear, you have just seen contextual advertising at work.

These are also commonly referred to as “In-Text” advertisements or “In-Context” ads. These types of ads also include:

  • Banners: Banner advertising puts a graphical advertisement either on, or over a webpage being visited by a user. The role of the banner ad is to catch the eye of your visitor when they come onto the page, in order to get them to click on it. The monetization received from these types of ads are frequently the result of affiliate programs, or advertising networks with large multitudes of members vying for clicks to specific websites.
  • Pop-Ups: These are really common, even if they are considered rather annoying, yet they remain rather effective. If you’re looking for an interesting way to monetize your website and you have some experience, you could consider setting up a set of pop-up ads. These ads however, are generally used to generate traffic to a similar yet relevant page to that of the one a user is visiting, or to collect information such as an email address, in order to send information to the user like subscriptions, free quotes, or readings. A variation on the pop-up window is the ‘pop-under’ advertisement. This advertisement opens a new window underneath the active one, making it difficult sometimes to track down the root of the original pop-under window. These types of underneath advertisements don’t generally alter the browsing patterns of the user and aren’t noticed until the visitor’s close the rest of their browsers, prompting a new look at the ad and a possible visit to the page. 
  • Premium Content: This is the term that is used generally for content that you acquire by paying a fee. Premium content can include things like e-books, articles or other high quality, unique content that is offered to readers on a subscription or pay-per-use type basis. Premium content can also help you with information and content for your product launches, help you achieve a consistent branding, put out weekly or monthly newsletters of interest and more. Giving your visitors a source for high-quality materials and focused content should be your goal, and premium content can deliver that for you. If you have trouble creating content that is original, using premium content can help your website stand out with information that is unique and cannot be found anywhere eels on the web. If you feel like you can manage the basic infrastructure of creating premium content for your blog or website, you’re well on your way to monetizing your efforts.

In-Image advertising is similar to AdSense in that it creates advertisements that are based on the context. However, instead of creating a banner or add on your website, scripts placed within the page on the website create ads that are revealed inside the images placed on the web page. The In-Image advertising platform engages with website visitors, it leverages the image and uses the space in order to generate new revenue stream.

The Emerging Method of Monetization: In-Image Advertising

in image advertising demo

This method of advertising is quickly becoming very popular, taking the blogging, and publishing world by storm. One one of the reasons why is because it’s just a much more attractive method for advertisements that simply looking at a website filled with some content and and then loads of distracting ad banners.

In-Image advertising is a great way for blogs that are already image heavy to keep from having to distract their readers from the premium content that they have already worked to create. Installing In-Image advertising also won’t require any additional space, meaning that more of your website is available for your own content and the site won’t be laggy for visitors.

This type of advertising is extremely useful for monetizing blogs, without the need to sacrifice important design elements of your website, allowing the true creativity of your web designer to show through without being covered up or surrounded by distracting ads or banners.
Content often plays a huge role in the popularity of your website, but truly, images are what will capture your reader’s attention once they’re there. A user’s eyes can’t help but go straight for an image; your job is to make sure that the image is telling them something that is relevant and not irritating to the customer. This is one of in-image advertisements finest benefits. The impulse to click on an ad will feel natural to the visitor because it won’t be interrupting the flow of the users browsing.

in-image ads

In-Image advertising also helps to give website designers back valuable space. When you choose to load a banner ad over an in-image advertising, it can detract from your page, making it appear less valuable. The visitor is then stopped in their tracks, losing their train of thought about your topic and perhaps even mildly annoyed and the forwardness of your monetizing campaign strategies. It would take a very, very direct ad to make your user click on a banner or flashing AdSense ad at this point, making in-image advertising a more reliable method of keeping your users from leaving your site and keeping your pages real-estate well managed at the same time.

This leads right into one of the best things in-image advertising does for any blog or website. It makes it look nicer. Since in-image advertisements don’t need to take away from the content of the blog or website, it instead can help enhance your content, making your website look even better. For publishers who are considering re-working their websites, in-image advertising is a great way to conceal cumbersome ads while monetizing your content successfully. If you’re interested in generating money with your words, do so in style!

Why go with imonomy?

Our co-founders Oren Dror and Amit Halawa-Alon both recognized the need for an automated process that would make websites more visually attractive while creating a way for users to engage in their environment with a rich, efficient bit of coding.
We are currently assisting over 5000 registered websites here at imonomy, including small blogs and major websites.
At imonomy, our goal is to remain one of the best in-image advertising service provider’s currently available to serve online publishers and bloggers today. We have developed our own algorithms, in order to automatically scan written text from a website or blog, retrieving the most suitable offers and advertisements from our database to compliment the content of your pages.

Our service is provided as a free online software that is currently available for those of you who wish to make their websites look better, while providing ample options and customization availability for monetization of your blog or website. Users who have used our services feel that their websites are more engaging than they were previously; featuring relevant photographs that match the content on the pages, they worked hard to design and publish.

Screenshot 3

The well known added value we provide is known as “free images”, our images are not only free but they are relevant to the text. If your blog is lacking images in order to monetize them then we have you covered from all ends. Once our Visual Semantic Engine understands your website, it can attach the combination of a copyright-free image that matches the content and an advertisement that compliments the page in the most highly effective and optimized way possible.

Our cutting edge technology will increase the amount of time that users will spend on a website by up to 30% in some cases, as well as decreasing bounce rates and increasing page views through content recommendations. We can assure you that our advertisements are capable of improving your ads conversion rates and therefore improving your earning performance.

If you’re interested in learning more about our services or you’d like to know more about our solutions for your website or blog platform, contact us now.

The post was written by Avishai Sam Bitton and edited by Leytal Ross

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I love Internet Startups, PC gaming, Star Wars, Blogging, Photography, and Marketing. Feel free to drop me a message and connect with me on all the socials, you will be surprised by the amount of free advice I giveaway.


  1. Thanks to share all helpful information in this blog.

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