Native Advertising: Tips For Success

Native Advertising is a sub-category within the realm of online advertising, that serves as a matching mechanism to refer to the content’s coherence with other media that might also appear on the platform. Whether you’re an advertiser or publisher, you can definitely benefit from the features that native advertising just by incorporating a few small things in your campaigns.

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News Highlights: Twitter Introduces Ad Editor

If you haven’t noticed, we love to give you the best and most relevant information in the industry (we provide in-image advertising solutions for advertisers and publishers if you didn’t know already). The issue has been that we cater for two different spectrums, so in order to combine the two we want to provide our users with a bi- monthly news roundup that will look at all aspects of our industry. The aim is to deliver updates of the current changes and trends that will interest you in order to succeed in a very competitive digital world.

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Branded Video Content and Video Ads: Is it all the same?

You knows that it’s coming.

The video age has arrived and it’s going to take the advertising industry by storm. The report from Cisco Visual Network Index shows that video consumption will take over most internet traffic, reaching more than 69% by 2017. And when a message is retained 95% more through video content than regular ads, then it’s clear that the future is bright for video advertising.

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