Looking at recent content recommendation data presents a very positive picture for the advertising format. In this article, I will present some of the most intriguing and essential data publishers should know about content recommendation.
Author: Zev Newman
High Traffic Website Monetization: The Key
High traffic website monetization is facing a tremendous challenge as social media sites increasingly dominate digital content. Publishers must ask themselves: What can be done to ensure continued high site traffic and revenue increases for publishers in today’s online environment?
Publishers’ Ad Revenues: Industry Experts Round-up
It’s no secret that publishers’ ad revenues are facing a myriad of challenges. After receiving positive feedback from our last experts round-up, we’ve decided to feature advice from more industry experts to help answer publishers’ ad revenue difficulties.
Why Mobile UX Is Crucial For Publishers
Mobile UX is crucial and it isn’t difficult to see why. Have you read an article today on your mobile phone? Chances are, you have. In fact, chances are, you’re reading this very article on your mobile phone. In 2015 we hit a critical moment in the tech world: time spent on mobile was 51% higher than time spent on desktop (42%).
Publisher: Leverage The Olympics To Boost Your Revenues
The 2016 Olympics are approaching and elite athletes from around the world will be traveling to Brazil in hopes of taking home gold. But athletes aren’t the only ones that should be excited. Publishers have benefitted a lot from past Olympics events and can expect tremendous opportunities from the upcoming summer Olympics in August.
5 Online Advertising Trends Publishers Must Know
Paying careful attention to key advertising trends is a key to success for digital publishers in the age of ad blocking and unlimited free content.