Becoming a Techi (not a Trekki)

Today, everything is about the tech world. We live in a society where the trend is about the new gadget, the new iPhone version, the new app to add to your iPhone—the game is constantly upgrading and changing. The High Tech field is growing and expanding, and lots of people are jumping ship and swimming toward it to find success.

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5 Tips to Master the Art of Engaging Content

Most bloggers who sit down to write a post, do so in the hopes of having a fair amount of readers enjoy their article.

theater-105573_640After all, what is the point of writing something if nobody reads it? Whether your are blogging as a hobby or for a company blog, you need to make sure that your post is full of engaging content. Ultimately, engaging content will draw readers in, and keep them coming back.

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How to Never Give Up on Your Startup

It’s 8 PM and you just threw your laptop bag on the couch. Exhausted would be an understatement for describing your current state of mind.

What’s next on the evening’s  itinerary? Perhaps a quick shower so that you only miss a few minutes of the latest  news headlines, or rather, a long bath to help you forget some of your day’s useless meetings. Either way, not many hours stand between you and tomorrow’s daily grind.

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An Expert’s Guide to a Successful Conference

Conferences are an excellent opportunity to network, learn, and interact with a specific industry or field.

But for a newbie on the scene, these larger than life mingling events can be overwhelming, and with so much going on in such a short period of time prioritizing and time management are key. Not too long ago, I was a conference new goer, and have since been around the circuit enough times to considered myself a seasoned pro. As I started attended more and more conferences, I began to perfect the art of conference going and preparation. Suffice it to say, the key to a successful conference is in the prep work.

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Why We Need More Women In Startups

Behind every successful man, is a great woman. Quote sound familiar? Recently the topic has been floating around our office, and it certainly got me thinking. If behind every successful man there is an equally successful woman, then shouldn’t this same fact ring true for every startup? The question certainly raised a few eyebrows here at the office, and I quickly turned into the butt of many feminist jokes, but I have to say that I have made up my mind on this one. A few months ago, imonomy added a female to its all-male employee roster. The new addition certainly livened up the dynamic in the office, and the change had me wondering if our boys club was so desperately in need of a good dose of estrogen? After 4 months of working side-by-side with my female co-worker, the proof was definitely in the pudding, every startup needs a professional woman.

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