imonomy Case Study: Meet Sky Hit Blog

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On any given day at the Imonomy office you are sure to hear the name “Avi Jit” float around at least once or twice. Avi joined imonomy’s team of partners in May, and has quickly become a valuable and respected member of the imonomy family. Avi has not only been using imonomy’s interactive technology on his website SkyHiT BloG, he has also posted an in-depth imonomy review, and has been a key player in promoting our service among the blogging community. Avi’s eager personality, and immense understanding of technology and the web has made him a valued partner, and trusted friend.

Social Media Activity

Avi is currently pursuing BTECH degree in Computer Science & Engineering while he blogs part time. Avi loves music and blogging and gets pleasure by sharing his ideas and findings with others. The success of his blog in such a short period of time is a true testament to his hard work and dedication. He is passionate about what he writes, and choose to create a site that caters to his interests. Avi enjoys sharing blogging tips, new products, and his own personal experiences on his blog. If following his blog isn’t enough, you can certainly connect with Avi on a plethora of social media channels where he is very active and engages with other members of the online community. 

Before Avi became a successful blogger, he experienced every bloggers worst nightmare, a website flop. Instead of giving up, Avi pushed forward, learnt from his mistakes, and created SkyHiT BloG, which turned into a very worthwhile venture. His friendly, and inviting style of writing make his posts fun to read and easy to follow.

SkyHiT BloG focuses on topics such as blogging, marketing and social media, which are all some of Avi’s main interests. When he first started his blog, Avi decided on those topics because they were what truly interested him. Similarly, having once been a new blogger on the scene himself, Avi knew that these were some of the topics that were most likely to attract a community of new bloggers. Avi’s goal with his blog is to help other bloggers build successful blogging careers.


As such, his blog also publishes many posts by expert guest bloggers, who are specialized in a variety of fields related to successful blogging. Avi is also very hands-on with his website, and is quick to personally answer all of his users comments and queries.  


At Imonomy, we have been grateful for all of the input Avi has provided us since he integrated our technology onto his website. Ultimately, our aim at imonomy is to develop strong, long term relationships with our partners, and Avi is truly an example of one who we are happy to have around for the long run.
After several months of running imonomy on his website Avi noted, “Imonomy is a super cool web app, which increases blog engagement and provides copyright-free images. I love it because it tells my readers that there is more related-content to read. imonomy keeps my visitors on my site longer, and helps in turning new visitors into loyal readers. imonomy is also helping me generate side income with imonomy Ads.”


It has been our pleasure to work and learn with Avi, and we look forward watching our partnership evolve over time. We wish his website SkyHiT BloG becomes a great success. We are happy to have imonomy running on the pages of this tech savvy site.
Sky Hit Blog Logo


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I love Internet Startups, PC gaming, Star Wars, Blogging, Photography, and Marketing. Feel free to drop me a message and connect with me on all the socials, you will be surprised by the amount of free advice I giveaway.

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