If employee burnout is not one of your top priorities, then it should be. Especially when your company is expanding.
Tags: startups
10 Marketing Tips For Startups
Marketing is a full time job, and when you’ve got a newborn startup on your hands, strategic marketing for your startup is key. With the competition in the startup scene at an all time high, calculated marketing tricks can either make or break a new company. As a new startup, money for large scale marketing campaigns isn’t always in over abundance, so how does a company market big on a small budget? Believe it or not, you don’t have to break to bank to properly execute some effective marketing strategies. So for those of you in need of some creative guidance to get your marketing strategy off the ground, here are 10 marketing tips for startups.
Why We Need More Women In Startups
Behind every successful man, is a great woman. Quote sound familiar? Recently the topic has been floating around our office, and it certainly got me thinking. If behind every successful man there is an equally successful woman, then shouldn’t this same fact ring true for every startup? The question certainly raised a few eyebrows here at the office, and I quickly turned into the butt of many feminist jokes, but I have to say that I have made up my mind on this one. A few months ago, imonomy added a female to its all-male employee roster. The new addition certainly livened up the dynamic in the office, and the change had me wondering if our boys club was so desperately in need of a good dose of estrogen? After 4 months of working side-by-side with my female co-worker, the proof was definitely in the pudding, every startup needs a professional woman.