How Augmented And Virtual Reality Will Revolutionize Marketing

Imagine you could immerse consumers in your product and literally let them see themselves wearing an outfit or in a refurnished home? Two exciting technological trends are going to revolutionize advertising and make ads more personal and engaging than they have ever been: augmented reality and virtual reality.

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Waterfalling, Header Bidding and Publishers’ Revenue Streams

Programmatic Advertising has revolutionized online advertising with its speed and potential to present highly relevant ads to consumers just when they are more likely to pay attention. Unfortunately for publishers, the current option, known as “waterfalling”, has proven to be inefficient and can leave a lot of inventory unfilled. That means less revenue and indirectly contributes to the mess publishers and advertisers are in today with too many bad ads splattered across the web in an effort to keep businesses afloat.

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Why Ad Networks Can’t Afford Not To Use In-Image Ads – part two

In our first part of our “Introduction to In-Image Ads for Ad Networks”, we explored the challenges facing traditional banner ads. We concluded by introducing a more dynamic and, potentially, lucrative ad product that you, as an ad network, can add to your portfolio of ads products to help your publishers earn better returns: in-image ads.

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The Dark Side Of Ad Tracking And What To Do About It

Programmatic advertising offers publishers the opportunity to present more relevant ads to users from a wider variety of advertisers who are paired with publishers through the elements of ad exchanges. The flipside is that publishers’ websites have to track users for their many advertisers and this has an impact on site load times and usability.

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