Imonomy Blog

3 Ad Blocking Strategies Publishers Are Testing

As part of my expanded “Ad Blocker Series” of articles, I wrote a case study into the 3 ad blocking strategies publishers are testing. This case study has been published on Business2Community as “A Case Study In Industry Responses To Ad Blocking” and I encourage you to read it, especially if you haven’t finished reading the Ad Blocker Series yet. Here is a preview:

Publishers have responded in different ways in the last few months as the realization of ad blocking’s continued impact started to really hit home. I researched how some of the major publishers have responded to ad blocking. It is still too early to see which strategy will prevail but there are some early indications which strategies will probably fail. Keep reading for some fascinating insights.

How the industry is responding with ad blocking strategies

Publishers’ ad blocker strategies can be broadly grouped into these categories:

  1. Block the blockers: Block consumers using ad blockers and force them to whitelist publishers’ sites and submit to ads.

  2. Engagement: Identify consumers using ad blockers and try persuade them to disable ad blockers on the publishers’ sites by explaining the impact of ad blocking on their content.

  3. Expanded choices: Diversify site monetization options and give consumers a choice of how to support sites.

Continue reading on Business2Community.

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